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06/25/14 –

Dear Tom,

I am submitting to you my Wednesday Christmas wish.  On March 18, 2014 my home caught fire with me, my son, grandson, his mother and my godson in it.  I truly thank god that they weren’t injured.  I myself was burned on my face, neck, and hand and spent two weeks in the hospital.   At that time i was unemployed, but by the grace of god i had my cousin and she opened her home to me and my daughters, 13 and 9.

God blessed me with a new job that i started on April 28th and now he has blessed me with an apartment that we moved into on June 7th.    I’ve lost everything i had in the fire and I’m trying to rebuild my home, but I know it’s going to take some time, as money is funny right now.  It’s been hard for me financially and I’m trying to maintain and keep it together for my girls.  They have been my rock daily andit’s been hard for them too.   As you know kids can be cruel and they have had to endure all the verbal insensitivitysuch as me being burned and them being without a home.

My Christmas wish is to ask you for furniture, so that I and my girls can have some sense of relief and to at least try to get back to a normal life.  I have had to watch them come home crying and i just wish i could have some furniture to do something nice for them…this is my Christmas wish blessing.


CHRISTMAS WISH: Geneane Brown  was originally published on