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I “see the faces” and the bodies reflected in these data as I move about my African American community. Earlier this year I joined a gym in my neighborhood. Every time I go, I am personally and professionally inspired. People of all body shapes and sizes, varying physical abilities, diverse racial and ethnic groups, and ages are members of this gym.

Are You Overweight Or Obese? 

I quickly observed a pattern related to who works out in different sections of the facility. For example, the basketball court is used mostly by young men (<30 years) who are tall and lean while the pool is used primarily by women who tend to be larger (obesity grades 1, 2, and 3), 40 years of age and older, and who participate in the water aerobics classes. I was sharing my observations with a friend recently who was visiting from out of town. She also loves water aerobics, and mentioned that there are five men in her class who come regularly. She noticed that of these men, three are easily more than 200 lbs. above a healthy weight. They are young adults who tend to be playful and competitive in class. During her times in the gym, she said she had never seen them in the free weights area where the arguably serious weightlifters – mostly men, workout, or in the cardio area using the treadmill or stationery bike. She believes they may have found their wellness in the water.

How much do we understand about the experience of being morbidly obese among men of color? (Ryan, Donna H., Kushner, Robert. “The State of Obesity and Obesity Research” JAMA, October 27, 2010 – vol 304, No. 16, p: 1835-1836). In addition to the health effects of obesity grade 3, what are the social, economic, and cultural implications for men? Sander Gilman, in his book “Fat Boys: A Slim Book” argues “The fat male body generates multiple meanings, many of which present a quite different set of images than do those of the fat, female body. These meanings are complex, often contradictory, yet unexamined historically. …The general view is that men have a problem, but it is not as much a problem as the anxiety that women have about their bodies. …” (p. 6).

Do you agree with Dr. Gilman’s analysis here? As a society, are we more accepting of obese men? How can we support men in pursuing healthy weights?


To read more articles from Dr. Liburd, click here

Are We More Accepting Of Obesity In Black Men?  was originally published on

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