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Dear Tom,

My father is like none other. There has never been a moment where he wasn’t trying to provide for his family. In fact, he was laid off work a few weeks before I was born. He somehow managed to find another job a few days before I was brought into this world.

When he was notified at his new job that his wife was in labor, he didn’t want to leave because he was so worried about financially providing for his family. His employer had to force him to leave. Sixteen years later, my father made a big decision in his life.

He decided to quit his job and start his own heating and cooling business. He has been very successful at it for many years now. He’s even taught me a lot along the way. He’s never advertised.  He gets all of his business by word of mouth through his customers. He does whatever it takes to get the job done.

My father has always been a humble, behind the scenes type of person. However, I feel like he deserves to be honored as a real father, real man. Would you please help him out with gathering some new tools for his business?

REAL FATHERS REAL MEN: Alex Carson  was originally published on