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Source: Ronald Martinez / Getty

The situation with the 26-year-old woman goes back to 2012, when Usher claimed his life was in jeopardy from Jones-Rakestraw stalking him. After Usher convinced a Georgia judge that Jones-Rakestraw was delusional and believed she was married to him., a restraining order was granted.

In his petition, according to, Usher claimed that Jones-Rakestraw showed up numerous times to his Georgia mansion, pounded on the door and wanted to get inside. The vocalist goes on to mention that he personally called police for assistance. When they arrived, authorities told Jones-Rakestraw to stay away from Usher. Although she did stay away, the compliance was short-lived as Jones-Rakestraw soon came back to Usher’s place, demanding to be let in again. Police eventually arrested and took her into custody, the Jasmine Brand noted.

Upon explaining to the court that he feared Jones-Rakestraw would harm him as well as his children, the judge granted Usher’s petition and ordered Jones-Rakestraw to stay away from the “Good Kisser” singer and his family for a year. The site reports the restraining order expired in July 2013.
