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Source: Brent Lewis / Getty

Hilary Clinton recently made a bold statement on Rev. Al Sharpton’s radio show that caused some ears to perk up. This comes despite recent #AllLivesMatter faux pas and her husband and former president of the United States Bill Clinton’s admission that he made mass incarceration worse during his time as president.


According to the New York Post Clinton who is vying for the presidential nomination said the following on Sharpton’s radio show:

“It is unfortunately clear as it could be that there is a bias in favor of white men who are arrested or charged with the very same offenses as African-American men.”

Clinton also reportedly discussed the need for reform in sentencing, prison, and policing. On one hand, Clinton is clearly saying the right things for her potential base of Democratic voters. On the other hand, there’s always political strategies taking place whenever an election is just around the corner.

Will Clinton need the “Black vote” to win an election, should she get the nomination? Probably. Either way, it is is significant that Clinton made the decision to be open about her views. Undoubtedly police brutality and prison will be one of the hot topics of conversation during the 2016 election.


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Hillary Clinton Says What Black People Have Been Saying Since Forever: Too Many Black Men Are In Jail  was originally published on