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2. Exercise regularly. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress levels, helping you burn off pent-up energy and tension. It also improves overall health.

3. Figure out the cause of your stress. Dealing with the problems that cause tension can relieve you of that stress. Inaction just allows it to build. Instead, talk to people and work on finding effective solutions. Also, ask for some assistance if you can’t meet all the demands placed on you.

4. Adjust your everyday behaviors. If possible, try to time your daily commute to avoid rush hour. Shop when you know the store won’t be packed with people. Cut down on the time you spend with people who get on your nerves. Schedule your time well and determine the most important of the tasks you’re trying to handle, methodically completing those first, then moving on to less critical jobs. Resist trying to do multiple projects at once. Don’t overpromise, and give yourself time to finish the things you do agree to tackle.

5. Adopt a more positive attitude. Always looking on the sunny side sounds cliché, but it does work. Having a negative outlook can turn even the most minor annoyances into huge problems in your mind.

6. Accept the things you can’t change. There are going to be things in your life that you can’t control, no matter how hard you try. Instead, look for ways to enjoy uncontrollable circumstances (for example, if it’s snowing outside, have a snowball fight with your kids, or enjoy some hot chocolate and a good movie with your significant other).

7. Celebrate your victories. When you accomplish a personal goal or finish a major project, do something nice for yourself. It can be as simple as getting a massage or as extravagant as taking a weekend getaway. Celebrate your achievement before you jump into the next project.

Your outlook is such an important factor in how your body deals with stress. Following the above steps will help you put stress in perspective and start enjoying your life.

Men: 7 Ways To Conquer Your Stress  was originally published on

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