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It never fails. Two weeks before Christmas one of your closest friends is going to ask you, “What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?” And I’m sure your reply will be, “I don’t know.” Let’s be honest, few people makes plans that early for NYE. Most people start toying with the idea of New Year’s Eve immediately after Christmas. Well, I’m here to help you out.

I’m at the age where I would rather stay in and have a lovely seafood meal or go to a fabulous party that I know I will remember. I am a party planner and event designer. If I am not working a party for a client I usually opt to stay in. But staying in doesn’t have to mean watching the ball drop in your pjs at midnight. Why not invite some friends over and have a lavish party at your house? How about a girls’ night in?

MUST READ: Make Your 2016 Gratitude Jar: New Year, New Blessings!

A girls’ night in is just what it is called. It’s a girlfriend party. You and any number of your closest girlfriends have made a commitment to stay in, catch up and have some fun. I am going to give you six tips on how to pull this off.

1. Create the perfect guest list.

The guest list is so important. It is imperative that you invite the perfect guests in order to pull off a memorable party. God knows if you invite one or two wrong guests it can totally change the dynamic of the entire night. You want peaceful guests. If a deep discussion breaks out, you want people that are able to agree or disagree peacefully. This is the last day of the year and you will be toasting in the new year with these people, so make sure you are in good company. So when you pick your guests, think about various scenarios and how your company will interact with each other.

2. Serve good food.

There is nothing like walking into a party with good food. That’s like icing on the cake. The drinks could be subpar. The music may not be your cup of tea. But if the food is good, you’ve won for the night. Trust me, because I am a foodie. I can remember what I ate last Tuesday, so you better believe I can remember if the food was good at an event or not!  So let’s be honest, it is all about the “Scooby” snacks and drinks. If you decide to have a cocktail party, which is easier, go heavy on the appetizers. Have something for everyone – the vegetarian, pescatarian, carnivore, and the person with the ridiculous sweet tooth. This makes it easy on you, too. Your goal is to enjoy your guests, not to be stuck in a hot kitchen the whole time. Cook some things and order the rest, but make sure you have enough food. Remember the ladies will need something to soak up that liquor.

Speaking of liquor…

How To Host The Perfect New Year’s Eve Girls’ Night In  was originally published on

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