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3. Libations, baby!

When was the last time you had a beautiful cocktail? That’s right, I said beautiful. A drink that is so good it’s beautiful. That is what you want for a New Year’s Party. Go online and research cocktail recipes. Serve a drink that you know your guests may have never had, or put a different spin on a classic. Change the game.  If you or your guests are not really into hard liquors and prefer wine, get good quality wine. I am not saying that you have to spend $50 each on a bottle of wine, but do not get the cheapest wine to serve your guests. NO not on this night. And if you are a guest going to a  B.Y.O.W party, don’t bring cheap wine. It’s nasty and embarrassing. You can get decent wine as low as $8 a bottle. Have a variety for everyone, from dry to sweet. Please don’t just serve sweet wines because that’s what you like.  Oh, don’t forget the bubbly! Champagne, Prosecco, or Cava on ice will do.

4. Bring out your good stuff.

I am all about bringing out the good china for any occasion and New Year’s Eve is one of them. Whether you decide to have a sit down dinner or a cocktail party, bring out your good china. That means real dinnerware and glassware. I cannot stress to you how it changes the dynamic of your party. A white plate, a platter, or a real wine or hi-ball glass will make your guests feel special. I’m sure you are saying, “That’s nice but I don’t want to wash all those dishes.” (In my Morpheus voice) What if I told you, you could rent all your dinnerware and glassware, and you won’t have to wash a thing? Just load the items back in the crate for pick up. Rentals are reasonably priced as well. Find the nearest rental company in your area. So for NYE, ditch the plastic or paper plates and the red cups. Trust me, I know magic can happen in a red cup, but not on New Year’s Eve.

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5. Ambiance

Now here is where you tie everything together. Make the night visually special. Pick a color that resonates with you and create a theme around the night. Have different stations like food, dessert and beverage around the dining and kitchen area. Make mini menu cards for each food item. Have recipe cards so guests can make their own special cocktail. The ideas are endless. Let them flow and have fun. Keep all televisions off, however, YouTube has a wonderful video of a fireplace with crackling fire,which creates a cozy environment for your guests.

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6. Music

It is not a party if there is no music, and every party deserves good music. The music drives what type of party you will have so if you want people to dance all night long then play as much upbeat music as you can. Trust me, at every girlfriend party it always ends with a Soul Train line. I suggest downloading Spotify to create your perfect mix and also add an artist that you know your guests may not be familiar with. It creates a conversation piece that can get really interesting as the night progresses.

Happy New Year!


Erika Jones is  Owner of A Social Life. For more great tips, visit  

How To Host The Perfect New Year’s Eve Girls’ Night In  was originally published on

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