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3. Prayer. Prayer is important. Whichever way that you feel, you need to pray. I definitely think having a spiritual faith is very important. Moments of reflection, whatever you need to feel centered, do that. You and your husband should definitely be in the same place together.

4. Passion. You have to get your love on! You can’t cut the love line.

5. Mom is in charge. [Fatin:] Fathers, let the mother’s know that they are in charge, because that will keep your home happy. Let the wife be in charge, it makes the home run smooth.

6. Dad is the man of the house. [Aja:] As women, a lot of us have Type A personalities. We know how to run it, how to do it, and we’re great at it. But I think that it is important, especially if you’re doing business with your husband, to understand and surrender the fact that your husband is the man of the household.

That is important to understand and respect that. It’s not an indication of your inferiority or “old-think.” It’s important for him to understand and embrace his position, as well as you celebrate it.

7. Laugh together and have a lot of fun. I think that we do get an opportunity to really enjoy one another’s company. Be sure with each other, laugh, joke, and just enjoy each other. That keeps us centered, happy, and in a good mood. A lot of times just sharing a laugh and smiling. I think that really helps to keep things bright and upbeat.

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Kindred The Family Soul: A Legacy Of Love  was originally published on

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