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Dogue de Bordeaux / French Mastiff / Bordeauxdog, dog in garden

Source: Arterra / Getty

via Wkyc:

Lakewood City Council has made it official: The city’s dog breed ban is over.

Council passed a new dog ordinance at its meeting on Monday night.

Jennifer Scott has been out in front on the issue. Last year, the city told her she’d have to get rid of her dog Charlie, because he looked like a pit bull.

But she resisted and is applauding the council’s decision

“The support from this community has just been overwhelming. I think council member Tristan Rader said it best: ‘Clearly the city of Lakewood is with Charlie,’ and here we are,” Jennifer told us.

The new law will add tools for the city to identify and deal with potentially dangerous situations before they escalate. It will also hold owners accountable for how their dog acts, not how it looks.

LOCAL NEWS: City of Lakewood Ends Controversial Dog Breed Ban  was originally published on