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ImaniLia Face Masks

Source: Courtesy of Imani Lia / ImaniLia

Man! It’s already sweltering hot out here in these skreets and now we have to figure out a way to wear a face mask without passing out in all this heat. Here are 5 tips on wearing your face mask this summer.


ImaniLia Face Masks

Source: Courtesy of Imani Lia / ImaniLia

Here are a few tips to help you make it through this hot summer while wearing your mask according to AARP.

1.  Choose the right fabric.  A lighter, breathable material like cotton will keep your face cooler than a mask made from synthetic materials.

2.  Time your trips to beat the heat.  Avoid going out during the hottest parts of the day if you can.  And if you HAVE to be outside, an ice pack or damp cloth on your neck can help you cool off . . . just don’t get your mask wet.


ImaniLia Face Masks

Source: Courtesy of Imani Lia / ImaniLia

3.  Skip the makeup.  Heat and sweat mixed with makeup and oily skin care products can leave a sticky mess under your mask.  According to one dermatologist, just using moisturizer or sunscreen under your mask is your best bet.

4.  Keep it dry.  If your mask gets damp due to breathing and sweating it can make it less effective at filtering particles.

5.  Bring a spare.  If you can’t keep your face mask from getting damp throughout the day, always have some spare ones on hand to swap it out.

For more info, click here.

5 Tips for Wearing Your Face Mask This Summer  was originally published on