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Everybody knows that woman don’t play when it comes to their nails and hair.  So it makes sense that ladies could be giving up their last, last to get their nails done, come high or hell with a robber.

A so called armed robber ran into a nail salon in the ATL trying to make a come up only to get crickets.

According to a report from KRON4

The would-be robber entered the salon Monday, holding what appeared to be a bag with his other hand concealed inside it. Brandishing the bag as if it contained a weapon, the man demanded money from several people seated near the door, video posted to the City of Atlanta Police Department’s Facebook page shows.

The customers looked at the would be robber unbothered, with one telling him she didn’t have any money.  The robber seeming pretty dejected left the nail shop with nothing.

Take a look at the robbery gone crickets in the video below.

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Source: Radio One Digital