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Being a parent is tough now days, especially when it comes to having to leave your children in someone else’s care.  But who would think you would have to worry about leaving your children with their own grandparents.

Kimberly Elwoods was living in Georgia and going through some tough times, when her father came to visit and offered to keep her 5 year old daughter with him and her grandmother in Chicago while she got herself together.

Kimberly Elwoods had to make a trip to Chicago after receiving a phone call, not to visit her parents and 5 year old but to identify her daughters body after her father called 911 because he had beat her to death.

“I am all out of tears. I look at him as a monster. I don’t even want to carry his last name no more,” – Kimberly Elwoods

Allegedly Kimberly Elwoods father, Klent Elwoods, called 911 and stated “I was beating my little granddaughter, and now she is out of it.”

Kimberly Elwoods father, Klent Elwoods and his wife, Lisa Jones, are both being charged with murdering their 5 year old granddaughter, and are being held without bond.

We will be keeping Kimberly Elwoods uplifted in our prayers.

Take a listen to Kimberly Elwoods story in the video below.

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital