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Source: VALERIE MACON / Getty

Money is a wonderful thing, we all need money to survive.  Although money is a necessity, it is also used as a parameter to measure ones worth and/or appreciation in their profession.  However there are moments in our lives when things are given that can’t be measured in dollars and cents, an appreciation shown that is simply uplifting but more importantly priceless.  Taraji P. Henson may not be paid her worth but she is most certainly appreciated and today on ‘The Talk’ she received her flowers and she received it with tears…of joy.

Taraji P. Henson showed up for an interview on ‘The Talk’ to talk about ‘The Color Purple’ and received a standing ovation from the studio audience that brought Taraji to tears with her responding to them that she received the love.

Taraji P. Henson the got down to the business at hand, talking about choosing between acting over music and what it meant to have music come back into her life during ‘The Color Purple.’

See the moment and the interview below.

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital