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Hooking Up: 5 Rules for Booty Calls

By John Ortved, Glamour magazine

Yesterday I wrote about a friend of mine who responded to a booty call from a guy she really likes (jury is out on whether he feels the same way…though his behavior certainly indicates that he doesn’t). The post got me thinking that maybe we need some guidelines for booty calls. Here’s what I came up with…

1) Know What You’re Getting Into

If it’s an ad on Craigslist in which the dude casually mentions an interest in bdsm, or “toys,” you can be sure that this story will probably not end with marriage and “happily ever after.” The point is, know the waters in which you’re swimming. Chances are, you’re not browsing Craigslist for your hookups to begin with (from what I can tell, it is only men and “professionals” in the Craigslist personals). No, chances are your booty call is coming from someone you know and have slept with before. That being said, I think it helps to be emotionally and physically prepared.

2) Beware of Friends

I am totally guilty of this. On some lonely nights (usually in the winter time), I will send out a text—personalized, no blasting—to some female friends, looking for some company. These aren’t strict booty calls—I’m usually looking for a cuddle, not so much a role in the hay—they’re in the same family. I’m not passing any judgment here, just saying that when you get a call or a text from a pal at 12, he’s probably not looking for someone to play Monopoly with.

Related: What To Do With A Naked Man

3) Pretend You’re Sober

We make bad, bad decisions when wasted. Good decisions, too. But mostly bad (example: the decision to buy the watermelon—made sober—during a heat wave over my recent trip home was a good one; the decision made by my friend Sushi—while drunk—to launch the watermelon off my roof-deck, was a bad one). When you get that call, or when you’re about to make it, take a second. Pretend you’re not wasted, and try to apply some logic.

4) Watch Your Heart

I only disapproved of my friend responding to the booty call because I thought her heart was in it. She likes the guy and he was only calling her as his last option, after leaving without her. I feel for anyone getting her heartstrings played with. It can be so hard to resist when you like someone, but again, step back and try to be logical—is this going to hurt more than it’s going to feel good?

Related: 10 Things He’s Thinking When You’re Naked

Condoms, condoms, condoms. You should be using condoms anyhow, but chances are, if you’re a booty call, or he is, you’re not his only one (and he isn’t yours).

5) Safety First

What are your rules for booty calls? Do you know any of your booty call’s rules?