Out of your rut You don’t have to continue doing things the way you’ve always done them. Today is a new day, filled with new possibilities, so remember to treat it as such. You don’t have to be held prisoner by your old, familiar habits and assumptions. There’s a whole world of goodness and abundance […]

Enjoy more The more you enjoy, the more you accomplish. Truly enjoy every moment, and you create a positive momentum that is unstoppable. It is not success that brings happiness. It is happiness that brings success. Enjoy life, however it may be, and you open yourself to the very best possibilities. The more sincerely thankful […]

Live with excellence Stop needing permission and stop needing approval. Start acting from your own highest convictions. Stop worrying so much about what other people might or might not think. Start living without compromise and with positive purpose. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect. Start making good and meaningful use of all you have. […]

Disappointments of the past What has already happened before is not what will happen next. Because right now, you have the opportunity to change direction. If you’re moving in a positive and fruitful direction, you can choose to keep going that way, and even to accelerate your progress. Or, if you’ve experienced difficulty and disappointment […]

Achievement is essential Go beyond merely being curious about how it would be to live your dream. Commit to it, and experience the satisfaction of making it happen. Do more than just talk about what you’d like to do, or what you should be doing, or what you plan to do. Take the persistent actions […]

Your time to choose You can always live the life you choose. Because you can always choose, in each and every moment, how to be. Sure, life in this world sends all sorts of seemingly random and often disturbing occurrences your way. Yet the choice of how to think and feel about them, and what […]

Encourage yourself Many times, the situations and events in your life won’t offer you much encouragement. On top of that, even other people may not have much encouragement to give you. But that doesn’t mean you have to go without any encouragement. After all, you are perfectly capable of encouraging yourself. Remind yourself how truly […]

Today is when Today is when your life is happening. Now is when life’s opportunities are yours. Within you is a dream, a longing, a purpose, a desire to experience life’s richness in your own unique way. Surrounding you is a universe filled with energy and abundance, and possibilities. Now is when you have the […]

The gift of today You have a wonderful, beautiful, valuable gift with which you can literally transform your life. That gift is this day you’re now living. This very day is overflowing with rich and meaningful possibilities. The value of this day is here and now, right in front of you. Life’s great abundance is […]

Live it now If you postpone your joys until later, the opportunities to experience those joys will grow fewer and fewer. If you put off dealing with the problems until later, they will become much more difficult to get beyond. Choose instead to live life as it comes. Diligently, and without complaints, work through each […]

The long haul Instant results are not always the best results. Have a little patience, and you can greatly expand your possibilities. If your desires were always fulfilled immediately, you would have nothing to look forward to. You would miss out on the joy of anticipation. There are some good things you can have instantly. […]

  Always your choice When life hands you a negative experience, respond with a positive action. Instead of letting the difficult circumstances pull you down, choose to let them inspire you. Sure, it’s easy to become dismayed. Yet the truly empowering fact is that it’s just as easy to become determined. Your attitude is always […]