Everything about Debrahlee Lorenzana is hot. Even her name sizzles. At five-foot-six and 125 pounds, with soft eyes and flawless bronze skin, she is J.Lo curves meets Jessica Simpson rack meets Audrey Hepburn elegance—a head-turning beauty.In many ways, the story of her life has been about getting attention from men—both the wanted and the unwanted […]


Is it shocking when I tell you I’ve had to repress my intelligence in past relationships out of fear of emasculation? Source from http://thefreshxpress.com Successful black women are constantly bombarded with statistics suggesting many of us are doomed to be spinsters left to live with our little black cat to die alone. We are also […]

Does a woman have to lose weight to get a man? Read what The Black Man has to say about this one! Dear Black Man, I am thirty-four, single, and have with no children. I’m pursuing a B.A. in IT Multimedia. I have my own home and I am financially independent. While I have most […]

Supersize me, please. A New Jersey woman who already weighs a whopping 600 pounds is on a mission to double her girth in a bid to become the world’s fattest woman.