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The 10 Second Kiss

Post by Andrea Matchette Lopez in Special Features > The Good Life on Nov 1, 2010 at 2:45 pm

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I go to bed most nights with an unfinished to-do list running relay races with a new one to and fro across my eyelids. One of the things most often on both is …yeah, that. And it’s not that I don’t want to either. I am not one of those women who married and turned cold. I just wish there were a little time between shifts to get myself together – another hour in the day, an extra day in the week, the moon in my pocket maybe?

Something with my equilibrium drops me into a coma as soon as I hit horizontal. The hubby keeps a betting form in his nightstand, placing odds on whether it’s a go or not, depending upon my routine: hair wrapped, Ivory soap, his jammies? Wide open, ok, well chances are good. Spa bath, new lingerie, The Commodores? Sucker bet. Wouldn’t touch it with free money. I know, I know, ‘it’s me time and me ain’t a we because ain’t nobody neva gave you nothin’!’ Logically speaking, how long will this be tolerated?

I’ve made our home his retreat where he wants for (almost) nothing. I think of new ways to do the same old, look for things he might need before he knows he needs them. The big piece of chicken is always his. I try to indulge him in every other whim when… the rainbow is enuf, so to speak. (Can’t wait to see this film adaptation by the way!) And then I learned of the 10-second kiss. Remember your kiss at the altar when the two of you were locked inside your own bubble and nothing else before then mattered. Among the many that looked on and cheered, inside that bubble, there was no one else but the other.

That moment felt like a quiet forever but really, it was about ten seconds!

The 10-second kiss serves the same purpose – to quiet all that surrounds us and bring not just our lips but also our souls together. To confirm and reaffirm our commitment to love and be loving to each other. It’s not about being sexual but about being intimate, a feeling of being open and complete at the same time.

The first time I tried it, rather than sending him off with a lunch and a brush on the cheek, I reeled him in for a real kiss. At first it seemed like a looong time and a bit awkward because I was counting on my fingers behind his back. He was blowin’ me up all day!

Now, I have to say, even though my initial intent was for him, it’s now my favorite part of the day! I’ve even learned to share The Commodores. Bottom line, when it seems as though ten seconds is all you have it might be all you need to get back to forever.

Ten seconds also works without the kiss:

Argument brewing? 10 seconds will temper it to a discussion. Must have item at the mall? 10 seconds will reduce all that blindingly glitters to a more realistic glow.Want to finish his sentence? 10 seconds will show he can do it himself.

Take 10 seconds to comment about how the “10 Second Kiss” works for you.