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Abusive Boyfriends Sabotage Birth Control

Shocking statistics reveal men are tricking their partners into having babies!

-Libby Keatinge,

Would a man trick a woman into having a baby by sabotaging her birth control? A new report sheds light on this new form of abuse that is seriously shocking! In a survey of callers to the Domestic Violence Hotline, it was revealed that one in four women had reported being forced by their partners to have unprotected sex or tampering with their birth control.

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“It was very eye-opening,” one public health advocate says. “There were stories about men refusing to wear a condom, forcing sex without a condom, poking holes in condoms, flushing birth control pills down the toilet.” Yikes! (Newser)

Libby Keatinge is a senior editor at BettyConfidential.

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