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Relationship & Sex: 10 Ways To Forget About Your Ex

Date: 2011-02-22 09:54:29  |  By: Crystal Tate

Filed under: Relationship & Sex Advice

So your man or lady just broke up with you, and your iPod has Trey Songz’ “Can’t Be Friends” or Fantasia’s “I’m Doin’ Me” on repeat. While Trey and Tasia may help you get over the pain, here are some other ways to help you move on.

1. Allow Yourself to Cry: It’s completely OK to give yourself at least 24 hours to be emotional. Go ahead and cry, scream, or even throw something at the wall if it makes you feel better. But once you’ve gotten the tears out of your system, do something to get him or her off your mind, which leads us to #2.

2. Girls’ (or Boys’) Night Out: After a breakup, it’s almost imperative to make plans with your girls or boys. They’ll make you laugh, encourage you to have a good time and best of all, help you get your mind off of your ex.

3. Refrain from Checking His/Her Facebook or Twitter Accounts: If you really want to get over your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, it’s very critical to refrain from checking his or her Facebook or Twitter accounts. It’ll be a constant reminder of what he or she is doing or thinking about, and it’ll probably make you more upset about the situation. Your best bet is probably to block him or her from your updates or timeline.

4. Refrain from Texting or Calling Him/Her: You may be tempted to call or just text your ex to say hello or to ask further questions. If you want to save yourself from being hurt again, avoid contacting him or her.

5. Pamper Yourself: Since you’re probably not in the best of moods right now, this is the best time to do something just for you. Going to get a manicure or getting your hair cut will probably help make you feel better about yourself—and the situation.

6. Hide any Photos/Reminders: You may have a picture of your significant other on your computer’s screen-saver or his or her clothes in your closet. If you hide any photos or reminders, it will help you get over him or her faster.

7. Focus on Something You Put Off, Like Working Out or Finding a New Job: Is there something you’ve been wanting to do but you keep putting it off? This is the best time to actually follow through because it’ll allow you to focus your energy and time on something else.

8. Avoid Places that Remind You of Him or Her: If you and your ex had a favorite restaurant or you always went to a particular park together, try to avoid those places at least for a few months. They’ll only bring back sad memories.

9. Look at the Positive Side: You might feel like breaking up was the worst possible thing that could’ve happened but think about what you didn’t like about the relationship. Did you feel like he was too controlling? Did she not make you happy like she used to? Sometimes a break up can open your eyes to why it probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway.

10. Meet Someone New: The easiest way to get over an ex is to meet someone new. Don’t rush into a new relationship but you can definitely date and enjoy the company of someone else. However, be cautious about comparing your new friend to your ex.–Sex-Exiting-Old-Lovers