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Now I know men, I just can’t see this – if anything I see the 1st lady putting the smack down on what Malia & Sasha can and can not watch LOL!

Michelle Obama granted an interview. She says the President doesn’t allow Malia and Sasha Obama to watch “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”

“Barack really thinks some of the Kardashians — when they watch that stuff — he doesn’t like that as much,” said the First Lady, “but I sort of feel like if we’re talking about it, and I’m more concerned with how they take it in — what did you learn when you watched that. And if they’re learning the right lessons, like, that was crazy, then I’m like, okay.” Now most women know men are suckers for little girls, nice one first lady – next time go ahead girl and say you and the President don’t watch that crap – we will still love you because most people agree with you! LOL!

Now word on the street is that Kim and her sisters are upset that the 1st lady and family won’t allow the kids to watch their show….ummmmm GOOD!