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Popular Slangwords change on a daily basis. Who remembers saying, “That’s the bomb” or “This music is bangin’”… Well if you still use those terms you are out of touch! Here are some cool words to add to yourslang vocabulary….

Bobcatting – the only way to reach 100% lax mode, involving chilling so hard in the most comfortable position humanly possible

Brisket – A fine, tall, thick, good looking dark man that you just want to eat up. A sexy piece of meat.

Wonder Dread –A white person with dreadlocks

veetacore – amazing, awesome, mind blowing, supercool, epic

Swin – Act of having swag and winning

Trippy – An adjective meaning cool, freaky, groovy, amazing, or all of the above, depending on the context in which it’s used.


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