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If you’re a single girl who rang in the New Year wearing a fabulous sequined dress and big plans to improve your waistline, bank account and the food that you put into your body…that is great! But did you remember to make the resolution to improve the kind of relationship you attract? If not, the good news is that we are just a few weeks into 2012…and if you plan to make this the year that you get lucky in love, then be sure to check out the following ways to put the cards in your favor:

Step 1: Check your baggage at the door

If you hold onto the past and don’t take the time to heal from old wounds, you will do nothing but bring old issues into a new relationship; this makes the likelihood of another breakup high to quite high. Take the time you need to heal so that when you are ready, your heart will be open to new love and a fresh start. The past is the past and your ex is an ex for a reason—there is no point in dwelling on what might have been so leave the old, dirty luggage behind…it’s time to upgrade to Louis Vuitton, honey.

Step 2: Write a wish list

Range Rover, Christian Louboutin pumps and a diamond ring to slip on your left hand that would put Kim Kardashian’s former rock to shame. Okay, maybe not that kind of wish list—but to get closer to that last item, you’ve got to make a list of all the things that you’re looking for in a man. Write down your major non-negotiables such as: funny, employed, Christian, wants kids—whatever the major points that you need in a partner to be happy and fulfilled in your relationship. Post your wish list someplace like your mirror where you will see it every day and be reminded of what you want. And this year, stick to the list—no more settling for less.

Step 3: Recognize bad habits

To acquire the dream man you outlined in step two, it’s crucial that you analyze the bad habits and behaviors that you’ve demonstrated in previous relationships that wouldn’t necessarily be described as “healthy.” If you were overly jealous, be mindful not to do exhibit this in your next relationship. Look at these bad habits and former mistakes as lessons learned so that you could prepare yourself to be the best you that you can be for when the right guy comes along.

Step 4: Establish boundaries

Before you can become one half of a healthy partnership, it is dire to define boundaries of what is acceptable to you and what is not. Often times, relationships meet their fate due to a person taking advantage of their significant other’s lack of limits—make sure that you recognize and honor yours so that neither your self-esteem nor relationship are compromised.

Read More: “How To Attract A Healthy Relationship This Year” On: MadameNoire

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