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CLEVELAND – A 5 On Your Side investigation has found that not all Ohio schools are complying with a state law requiring terror drills and safety plans.

Since 2006, state law requires public schools to file safety plans and building blueprints for each school with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

In addition, terror drills are required  by December 1 of each school year.

The records are also supposed to be on file with the local police department near each school.

But a spokesperson with the Ohio Attorney General’s office says compliance is “about 90 percent.”

NewsChannel5 has requested a complete list of schools that have failed to comply with the state law that can levy a $1,000 fine for failure to comply.

Chardon High School, the scene of Monday’s deadly shooting, has filed its floor plans, blueprint and held a terror drill each year through December 2010 — and officials said they expect to receive paperwork for the current school year as well.

The school has received praise for the way its teachers and students responded to the school shooting.

You can check with your local police department and school district to ensure your child’s school is in compliance.

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