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6 Relationship DOs and DON’Ts We Can All

By Smitten, Glamour Magazine


 1) DON’T judge too harshly. First impressions are misleading. Everyone’s favorite literary couple would have never gotten together if they couldn’t move past their initial impressions of each other:

2) DO let him know when you’re interested.  Don’t be passive-confidence is sexy.

3) DON’T settle for what you don’t want, or for less than you deserve.  So here it is: Be with someone you want to be around.

4) DO be loyal. Even when you’re furious.  So when your friend spills a secret or your coworker forwards an inappropriate email, remember all the times they’ve had your back.

5) DON’T underestimate the power of a love letter:

And most of all…

6) DO trust yourself. It’s the ultimate  lesson, A sense of self is the most important thing you can have, even if you have to screw up a bit to get there.

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