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Rules for Dumpers

You’re over him. Here’s how to deliver the news nicely:

1. Never end a relationship via text message. You’re better than Russell Brand! A breakup should be at least slightly harder to initiate than a game of Words With Friends.

2. Don’t say you “want space” when you really just want to break up. Actually, never say you “want space,” period. If that’s what you want, move to the country.

Rules for Dumpees

So. The worst has happened. Here’s what to do now:

1. Write all the angry emails you want. Don’t send them. Also, resist the urge to post rants about your ex where the world (or at least all of Reddit) can see it. Remember, he has your secrets and could do the same.

2. Disconnect as completely as you can. Take his number out of your phone. Don’t go to “his” bar. Don’t read his Twitter. Don’t check his Facebook. See, not so bad, right?

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