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If you’re about to welcome a new baby into your life or you just have, here are some tips on keeping your partnership healthy through the transition.

1. Be Realistic

Being realistic in how your life will change can help frame your expectations. Know that with a new bundle of joy in the house, sometimes your relationship may need to take a backseat to parenting. And that’s OK.

2. Be Forgiving

Sleep deprivation can do a number on you, and being forgiving can go a long way. If your partner is snappier than usual, forgetful, or irritable, be forgiving! Understand that it’s temporary, and every relationship will go through this.

3. Ask for Help

You both made the baby, so you should both take turns taking care of the baby. Just like you had to discuss how to break up the household duties, you should talk about who will take what when it comes to baby care. If mommy feeds baby, perhaps the other partner can be in charge of diapers, or home or bath duties. Take turns getting a nap in if time allows, and be as fair as possible.

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