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No More Drama

Divorce can be a gift to you and your family. Truly. All the fighting, emotional distance and disappointed expectations would end. There might finally be peace and appreciation in your life … and your childrens’ lives. And believe me, your children want peace. They want loving, happy and engaged parents, regardless of whether they are married or not. And you will be a better role model for them when they see that you aren’t settling for less than you deserve. There’s a reason they tell you on an airplane to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on your children. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to help anyone else. So, who are you really “helping” by staying in an unhappy relationship? No one.


No More Compromise

Divorce can be the catalyst in your life to stop compromising yourself and your values; to stop allowing what you don’t like. Relationships require equal give and take. But when you are doing all the giving, then something is seriously broken in the relationship. Even in a marriage, you shouldn’t have to compromise who you are for someone else. In a balanced relationship, Mr. Right will cherish that about you and support you 1000 percent. So, why are you wasting time with Mr. Wrong, knowing this situation won’t change? And if you wouldn’t want that for your children, why are you still allowing it?

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