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Microdermabrasion can produce positive effects in each of these cases, but the degree of improvement depends on the severity of the problem. The procedure will not, for example, remove birthmarks or deep scarring.

What To Expect

If you make an appointment for microdermabrasion, the procedure will likely take 30 to 45 minutes. Since anesthesia is not used, the sensation of the process can be felt, but it is not painful. Some people compare it to the rubbing of an emery board.

Following the procedure, your skin may be red, but this discoloration usually disappears within hours. Even if your skin does not feel or appear sensitive, the removal of the outer layers make treated areas susceptible to sunburn. It is of utmost importance that you avoid direct sunlight and that you faithfully apply a broad spectrum sunblock before going outdoors.

To avoid disappointment, understand that this is not a one-time process. It may be necessary to get up to 10 treatments to achieve the desired results, though six is sufficient in many cases. Appointments may be scheduled every week to two weeks initially. Then, frequency may be reduced to every three to four weeks toward the end of the course of treatment.

Results are also affected by the quality of the equipment used. Microdermabrasion is conducted in spas and doctors offices. (There are also do-it-yourself home kits but these are drastically different). Both options can be effective to some degree, but the highest quality machines, which are found in doctor’s offices, are not usually available to spas.

Candidates and Risks

If you have a medical condition, you should consult with a dermatologist before having this procedure done. Certain conditions generally disqualify individuals as candidates for microdermabrasion. These include rosacea, psoriasis or keloid formation. People who were prescribed Accutane may need to wait up to a year due to skin sensitivity. Pregnant and nursing women are also advised to abstain because their hormones may affect results.

Otherwise, microdermabrasion is generally safe and can even benefit those with sensitive skin. There are minimal risks of discoloration or scarring. When these side effects are experienced, it is usually due to poor service delivery.

Although this procedure is suitable for almost everyone, different skin types require the machines to be set differently and different techniques to be applied. Side effects in African-Americans are commonly associated with excessive suction or moving the wand too slowly, not the procedure itself. This is why, as with all cosmetic procedures, it is best to make sure the professional providing the service has experience doing so for people of color.

Microdermabrasion 101: What You Should Know  was originally published on

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