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I am first generation Nigerian. Both of my parents are immigrants. The only job that my father had was a taxi job. We barely had money to buy a variety of foods. A Nigerian diet is very carby. Eating that plus fast food and government food gave me no hope of being healthy at all. I got teased a lot because of it. I even remember taking diet pills at the age of 11 years old.

When I got to high school, my weight fluctuated only because I got a little active by jump roping everyday and I had the courage to join the shot put and discus team. I got down from 195 lbs to 175 lbs and that was my lowest.

Losing all that weight caused me to gain attention from guys and I had never received that before. I became promiscuous and little did I know that during my senior year of high school I would get pregnant and my weight would shoot all the way up to 232 lbs in 2008. I stayed that size even after I gave birth, all the way until February 2013.

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Turning Point

I just got tired of being overweight. My weight issues caused me to have low self esteem and no confidence. I wanted to finally feel good about myself and I wanted to stop shopping at Lane Bryant and the plus size section in every store. I was way too young for that.

I started researching what I should eat when trying to lose weight and that’s how I changed my diet. I now eat clean, meaning cutting out the processed foods, fast foods, pop, juice and white simple carbs. I only eat complex carbs, lean protein, egg whites, beans, veggies and some fruit.

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My Story: “I Wanted To Stop Shopping At Lane Bryant”  was originally published on

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