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If only you could pawn your excreted waste for money, you’d be rich, right? Well, don’t blow off the idea so fast. A recent study suggests your poop may be worth a dime or two!

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New research presented at a recent American Chemical Society meeting, suggests that after testing and treating a several human sewage sites, several rare metals like gold and silver, as well as rare chemical compounds like palladium, and vanadium were found and collected.

The rare particles were discovered by mistake, but the scientists believe they are on to something big. Most of what they found was worth recovering, and has lead them to believe that there is a substantial source of rare metals and chemicals in our sewage systems, large enough that mining could be greatly reduced.

One group of researchers reported in Environmental Science & Technology that up to $13 million worth of metal could be extracted from the excrement of a million Americans. Now that’s a lot of valuable crap!

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So, how exactly is this possible? Well, according to a group of geologists from the U.S. Geological Survey, these elements and metals are found in many of the products we use on our bodies daily.

Are You Pooping Gold?  was originally published on

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