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Formula diets are weight-loss plans that replace one or more meals with a

liquid formula. Most formula diets are balanced diets containing a mix of

protein, carbohydrate, and usually a small amount of fat. Formula diets are

usually sold as liquid or a powder to be mixed with liquid. Although formula

diets are easy to use and do promote short-term weight loss, most people regain

the weight as soon as they stop using the formula. In addition, formula diets do

not teach you how to make healthy food choices, a necessary skill for keeping

your weight off.



You should avoid any diet that suggests you eat a certain nutrient, food, or

combination of foods to promote easy weight loss. Some of these diets may work

in the short term because they are low in calories. However, they are often not

well balanced and may cause nutrient deficiencies. In addition, they do not

teach eating habits that are important for long-term weight management.



Some programs or books suggest monitoring fat only, calories only, or a

combination of the two, with the individual making the choice of both the type

and amount of food eaten. This flexible type of approach works well for many

people, and teaches them how to control what they eat. One drawback of flexible

diets is that some don’t consider the total diet. For example, programs that

monitor fat only often allow people to take in unlimited amounts of excess

calories from sugars, and therefore don’t lead to weight loss.


With It

It is important to choose an eating plan that you can live with. The plan

should also teach you how to select and prepare healthy foods, as well as how to

maintain your new weight. Remember that many people tend to regain lost weight.

Eating a healthful and nutritious diet to maintain your new weight, combined

with regular physical activity, helps to prevent weight regain.

What’s YOUR Diet Type?  was originally published on

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