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4. They don’t have enough money, except when it comes to alcohol. When you opt for a different dining experience or adventure with someone you are dating that does not include alcohol and they opt out and claim they don’t have the funds to pay unless it includes a drinking experience, this is another sign they may have a drinking problem. If their only suggestions for entertainment include those in which alcohol is easily accessible, this is another red flag. You will note that they are all in and ready to cover the entire bill in these scenarios, but may state they have limited or no funds available in situations in which the entertainment does not include a chance to drink. Drinking in moderation is fine, but if every activity you do with them has to include drinking, this is not normal.

READ: Alcohol Use & Your Cancer Risk

5. Their friends and peers in which they associate are heavy drinkers, too. Alcoholics and highly functioning alcoholics tend to surround themselves with people who like to drink. This way the drinking problem looks less obvious. When everyone is drinking, it is harder to pick out someone who is an alcoholic. But, if they are constantly in the company of heavy drinkers, this is a sign that they, too, probably have drinking issues.

6. They finish other people’s drinks and aren’t discerning of what they pick to drink. At picnics, concerts, family events and the like someone who has a drinking problem will often finish a drink that is left on the table. They may joke about doing so, but this is another sign of someone who doesn’t discriminate about what they drink, but more so focused on getting another drink.

I went on a date with a guy who exhibited this type of behavior. We were attending a picnic-style concert with some friends. All of us were sharing the same wine and some mixed drinks and he kept drinking others’ leftover liquor and grabbing drinks indiscriminately. This was my red flag that something wasn’t right because he seemed to crave the next drink and ended up finishing all of the alcohol which was present versus the rest of us at the concert who were just having a couple of drinks.

7. They have a high tolerance for alcohol. In most social scenes, people will have 1-3 drinks. But, when you are with someone having a greater number of drinks, e.g., a 6-pack of beer, 4-6 drinks with no impact on them becoming buzzed or more relaxed, this is a sign they have a high tolerance for alcohol. If they keep going and the alcohol still does not have any impact, then this is a huge red flag.

Now that you know what to look for, you won’t have to second guess your intuition that might be telling you that something is not right.


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7 Signs You Might Be Dating An Alcoholic  was originally published on

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