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*Ugh. An overflowing trashcan filled with maggots. Raw meat. A non-functioning toilet clogged with human waste. And flies. Flies. And more flies. I repeat: Ugh. Now add to this eleven children ages 2 to 14 living in this. And 6 of them suffering from a bacterial infection caused by them eating poop.

Good Lord, there are good people out there who would give anything to become parents and cannot.

And then there’s Tyree and Takuya Fluellen.

The couple had been on the radar of police and county  children’s services for nearly a year, after the authorities responded to a report about unpleasant odors coming from the apartment where they  lived. They were charged in July of 2015, but managed to take the children and slip away when the authorities arrived at the home.

Now, the couple has pleaded guilty to child endangerment charges and the children are safely out of their reach.
