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via News5:

Leaders at Cleveland’s City Mission report, the problem with a growing number of homeless women and children, being turned away at local shelters, has reached epidemic levels.

City Mission CEO Rich Trickle told News 5 his agency has had to tell 80 to 100 homeless women and children, they have no room for them every night.

Trickle said cuts in federal and state funding have caused northeast Ohio to lose 500 beds for the homeless in just the past 10 years.

“We are overflowing with women and children who have nowhere to go,” Trickle said.

“Cuyahoga County opened an overflow facility down the road just 6 months ago.  They have 35 beds, and just yesterday, 120 women and children showed up there

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LOCAL NEWS: Dozens of N.E Ohio Homeless Mothers And Children Turned Away At Shelter Every Night  was originally published on