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Not everyone was enthused with Eddie Murphy‘s return to Saturday Night Live.

Bill Cosby‘s publicist Andrew Wyatt took in the episode much like the rest of us. However, he had a different reaction to when Murphy made a hilarious Cosby joke during his monologue. “If you told me 30 years ago that I’d be this boring stay-at-home house dad and Bill Cosby would be in jail, even I wouldn’t have took that bet,” he said. Murphy continued by asking, “Who is America’s Dad now?” while doing his infamous Cosby impersonation dating back to 1987’s Raw.

Wyatt responded to Murphy’s comments, calling them “disparaging” and called the legendary comedian and Coming To America actor a, “Hollywood Slave”.

“It is sad that Mr. Murphy would take this glorious moment of returning to SNL and make disparaging remarks against Mr. Cosby,” Wyatt wrote. “One would think that Mr. Murphy was given his freedom to leave the plantation, so that he could make his own decisions; but he decided to sell himself back to being a Hollywood Slave. Stepin Fetchit plus cooning equals the destruction of Black Men in Hollywood.”

Murphy refused to do a skit about Cosby for his 2015 return to SNL as the show celebrated its 40th anniversary, noting that he did not want to turn his return to SNL into jokes about Cosby when the news of his many accusers had become front-page news. “It was the biggest thing in the news at the time. I can see why they thought it would be funny, and the sketch that Norm [Macdonald] wrote was hysterical,” Murphy told The Washington Post.

He continued, “It’s horrible. There’s nothing funny about it. If you get up there and you crack jokes about him, you’re just hurting people. You’re hurting him. You’re hurting his accusers. I was like, ‘Hey, I’m coming back to ‘SNL’ for the anniversary, I’m not turning my moment on the show into this other thing.’”

Cosby responded to Murphy then saying, “I am very appreciative of Eddie and I applaud his actions.”

The two’s feud dates back to 1987’s Raw where Murphy joked about Cosby calling him and saying that his act was too dirty on stage. Cosby is currently serving a three to 10-year prison sentence for sexual assault.

RELATED: Eddie Murphy Brought Mister Robinson, Gumby & More Back To ‘SNL’ [VIDEO]

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Bill Cosby’s Publicist Calls Eddie Murphy ‘Hollywood Slave’ After ‘SNL’ Joke  was originally published on