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Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: WZAK / Radio One Digital

Just because you are in a relationship now, does that mean they need to cut off their friends they had before you?

A young lady reached out to Sam Sylk, radio host and author, and Bijou Star co-host of The Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star on 93.1 WZAK during the 1:00 pm Reality Hour via a letter in Sam’s Facebook Messages , to ask if she had a right to cut off her new boo’s old friendships personally!?

Check out what happened below.

Dear Sam,

I have been with my boyfriend for about 18 months now. The first three months of our relationship were some of the best times of my life. I truly believed I had found my soulmate. But right after the three month mark, I found out that he was talking to an old friend of his every single day. This woman is married, and she has been in his life for 15 years. As soon as I found out, I completely lost it. My experience has taught me that a guy and a girl can never stay just friends. Especially if they’re talking on the phone every day. Also, he never told me about this woman until I found out. He has since stopped talking to her. Although he did wish her a happy birthday and bought her a present. A couple of months ago, I called this woman to find out once and for all what was going on between them. And instead of telling me there was nothing going on, I got answers like, “What does it matter? He chose you,” and “I’m very happy he’s found someone, I always wanted him to find someone, I just wish you weren’t so jealous,” and “He wasn’t born yesterday; he had other people in his life before you came along.” She even refused to answer when I asked her whether they slept together by telling me, “I was trippin” Am I just being crazy and insecure or does this sound fishy to you too? Do you have guy friends you talk to every day? Or exchange gifts with?

(BTW: you can listen live to The Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star on 93.1 WZAK, Reality Hour, at 1:00 pm Monday through Friday at