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Whew lawd, prayers are in order as Bishop Lamor Whitehead has been convicted of fleecing a member of his flock for $90K and has been sentenced to 9 years in prison for the fraudulent, love offering.

Bishop Lamor Whitehead jumped on our radar when he was robbed at gun point during a worship service live stream then some time later physically booted a woman from the church during another live stream service.  Then not long after that he jumped on the District Attorneys office when they alleged that Bishop Lamor Whitehead defrauded a former parishioner out of $90,000.

Bishop Lamor Whitehead, the 45-year-old pastor, was charged with wire fraud, attempted wire fraud, attempted extortion and making a material false statement.

Bishop Whitehead then took to his own social media to plea his case in a video testimonial:

“First of all, I want to say that I’m not guilty,” Lamor said. I want to make that clear y’all. That’s why I have a smile on my face. I’m in amazing spirit, I’m great and I’m not guilty.”

Well it seems that the Devil is a lie as it is now being reported that Bishop Lamor Whitehead is going to be doing prison ministry for 9 years live from a cell.  He also was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to pay $85,000 in restitution and ordered to forfeit $95,000.

According to U.S. Attorney Damian Williams:

“Lamor Whitehead is a con man who stole millions of dollars in a string of financial frauds and even stole from one of his own parishioners. He lied to federal agents, and again to the Court at his trial. Today’s sentence puts an end to Whitehead’s various schemes and reflects this Office’s commitment to bring accountability to those who abuse their positions of trust,”

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Source: Radio One Digital