
I’ve had a longstanding professional interest in cultural perspectives on obesity – particularly among African American women. In fact, it was a central focus of…

2014  is turning out to be a great year for Dave Chappelle. He rekindled his comedy career, hosted a really fantastic” Block Party” and is…

The Obama Administration announced today that it’s made a compromise about birth control coverage. The White House revealed a new accommodation to the Affordable Care Act for religious non-profits that would not require them to pay for their female employee’s contraception. This new provision would cover Catholic schools and hospitals, which could opt-out of paying […]


People rarely think about how a balanced sex life is beneficial to overall health, but this is something that is critical to maintaining optimal wellness.…

What happens when you mix reality show bad boy, Ray J with hip hop prettiest pin up, Amber Rose? Magic, that’s what! I got the…

What happens when you mix reality show bad boy, Ray J with hip hop prettiest pin up, Amber Rose? Magic, that’s what! I got the chance to chop it up with Amber and Ray and we tackled meaty relationship topics like how long is too long to be engaged, dating outside your age bracket and […]


In Western culture, most diseases and ailments are treated with man-made medication, changes in diet and physical activity, but within the past few decades alternative…


Q: What are ways to keep weight off after middle age? It seems much harder to lose! – D. Thomas LIKE on Facebook! Get…


When it comes to relationship advice there are a plethora of options on the market to help singles and couples get it together, but with…


Rumors surfaced alleging that Oscar winner Denzel Washington underwent 2 weeks of detox after a month of excessive alcohol consumption while aboard a yacht with his…


For some, sex isn’t viewed as a necessity for everyday function or well being, but orgasms actually provide more health benefits than one would think.…


Celebrity Chef Gerry Garvin, simply known as G. Garvin, is one of America’s busiest culinary giants. His clients have included Former President Bill Clinton and…