You are husband and wife, but we all have friendships outside of our marriages.  But what happens when your husbands, one of the boy’s happens to be a girl?  Is that a cocktail for disaster, a cover for some hanky panky or are you just reading too much into nothing? A sister reached out to […]

Your mother in-law could stand you and you couldn’t stand her but she is now getting up there in age and needs help.  Your wife is stepping up to the plate to become her caregiver however it is creating a wedge in your marriage.  What would you do? A man wrote into Sam Sylk, radio host […]

Somebody leaves you and your child, jointly, a house after they pass away who’s the boss you or them? A woman wants to be boo’d up in a house that she shares with her son and now her son is acting like her daddy so she reached out to her brother, Sam Sylk, radio host […]

If your ex cheated on you, divorced you, married the side boo now they both want to be present in your children’s lives with you.  What would you do? Well an ex-wife wrote in to tell Sam Sylk, radio host of The Sam Sylk Show on 93.1 WZAK during his daily 1 pm Reality Hour segment, “Oh […]

You finally found a man to get down on one knee for you.  He wants a fresh new start with you, but in order to start off fresh he has to confess the old, which is he is a serial husband!?  No sooner than he say’s I do, the marriages end up going, awww hell […]

The world has grown up with the actor Carl Payne as Cockroach on The Cosby Show and Cole on MARTIN.  The Howard University has also directed numerous music video and short films, now he has added stand up comedy to his resume.  So while Coley Cole was in Cleveland, a city that is like home […]

Be honest have you ever been feeling your best friends man?  Have you ever daydreamed about your BFF’s man?  If given the chance would you ‘do’ your besties man?  If you slept with your best friends baby daddy and he is threatening to run tell your best friend,  what would you do?  Beat ole boy […]

Would you buy a birthday gift for another woman that doesn’t even want you to attend their birthday party because your a good wife and husband wants you to? What would you do? A listener decided what she should do is write Sam Sylk, radio host of The Sam Sylk Show on 93.1 WZAK during his […]

Your follow your man’s lead, uproot, submit, you got that ring.  In your in strange place without your family or a job, but your man is taking care of you and his family is your family, up until he dies unexpectantly.  His family starts dissing you and just when you don’t know what you are […]

You married your husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health but somewhere in the vows your husband missed that fact plus the fact that he’s married and adultery was not a word used in the vows, however you want to honor your part but protect yourself from sickness, what do you do? […]

Sam Sylk and actor/comedian/writer/producer Lil Rel live on air, in Cleveland, Ohio on The Sam Sylk Show on 93.1WZAK, talked about coming up in comedy during the Tiffany Haddish era, the importance of family, and how his 9 and 10 year old kids pitched him an idea that’s about to be sold and much more. […]

You and your soulmate have joined in Holly Matrimony.  You are financially doing well, you have started a family, you got a couple of rugrats running around everything is great.  You and your soulmate agree that you have had enough in the kids department.  However the question is who is going to get fixed, the […]