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Evangelist Will Graham wrapped up the three-day Will Graham Celebration of Peace in Nakuru, Kenya.

A total audience of 14,500 attended the free celebration at the Mama Scrape Grounds, with 938 responding to the invitation to make a commitment to Jesus. Many in the audience persevered through ongoing rain storms to hear the message in the outdoor venue. According to a news release from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Nakuru was hard hit in the tribal violence that rocked the country of Kenya following political elections in December 2007. Within this context, Will Graham brought a message of peace and healing.

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“Whether we are looking at Kenya and the trouble here a few years ago, or the issues of hatred and sin around the world, it’s a heart problem,” said Will. “And the only answer to that problem is Jesus Christ.” after several days touring Kenya, the people of Nakuru welcomed Will with a parade celebration, including a marching band. “It’s a welcome I’ve never had before, and it is incredibly humbling,” said Will from the front seat of his car as he was driven through the streets. “I’ve never seen anything like this

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