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1. The childhood crush: The guy you screamed “Cooties!” at in the third grade and “went out” with in the fifth for two weeks. It broke your heart a little when you discovered on Facebook that he got married, even though you haven’t spoken to him in ten years and he’s not even that cute anymore.

2. The celeb crush: The guy whose poster hung above your twin-sized bed for five years, and you were legitimately certain you’d marry him by the end of every Tiger Beat article. You’re so glad the Internet wasn’t around when you were thirteen because you might have been one of those crazy pre-teens making Twitter death threats against his girlfriend.

3. The work crush: The guy you wouldn’t normally be into, but you sit at the cubicle next to him nine hours a day, five days a week, so you’re basically forced to develop a smidge of feelings for him.

4. The not-your-type crush: The guy you would never expect yourself to be into but you are in a big way. He’s stocky and blond whereas you usually go for lanky and dark. He’s totally corporate and you’re an all-natural free spirit. He’s a skater boy, you do ballet. Whatever, opposites attract.

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