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In 2005, she graduated from the University of Santa Monica’s Master Program in Spiritual Psychology and the Coaches Training Institute in 2007. Following the death of her only brother from a drug overdose, Lifford was inspired to create self-care principles and inner fitness guidelines that could help anyone manage their everyday life. In 2012, Lifford released the e-book, The Little Book of BIG LIES and TRUTHS That Set You Free, and when asked what’s one of the biggest lies that most people believe about themselves she shared:

“Some version of I’m not good enough. Some version of I don’t matter. Some version of there is something wrong with me and I have to fix that thing before I have value. That’s a huge lie. The truth is that we are born, and I love this word, innately, that means it comes with being here on the planet…that gives you innate worth and value.”

“We keep looking for something to validate that we are valuable and worthy and when we don’t get that from the world in the way that we think we should or think is correct, we walk around with this little hole, constantly hoping to meet the person or the circumstance that is going to fill that hole and say that we are worthy and valuable. But the truth is, there is not a hole; the hole is in our thinking and we must from this point forward, affirm ourselves as whole and worthy because we exist.”

Like any great fitness trainer, Lifford is a student of her own teachings and her self-care toolkit includes following her 14 Practices of Inner Health and Wellness, hiking the mountains behind her California home with her three dogs and watching what she eats.

For more information on The Inner Fitness Project and private coaching, please visit You can also follow her inspirational insights on Facebook and Twitter.


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Actress Tina Lifford’s Key To Drama-Free Living  was originally published on

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