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This is not only sad, but it’s a real issue. Social media is destroying the perceptions we have of ourselves and our overall esteem. A lot of us play a game I like to call compare and despair. It’s likely you’ve spent hours on Facebook and Instagram doing this. Looking at pictures of beautiful women and their perfect bodies, skin and hair. Looking through your Timeline and reading all of the positive accomplishments your friends are talking about, how your old college friends just traveled the world, while you are barely making rent each month. Possessions, status, approval nd accomplishments, this is all that we seem to concern ourselves with these days.

MUST READ: You’ll Never Guess What Social Media Is Doing To You Now

Whatever happened to happiness and contentment? When did we lose sight of this?

Secrets, problems, unaccomplished dreams, grief and insecurities. This is what our realities are. We need to re-evaluate how we determine our happiness and perception of self. All of this comparison just turns into self-hatred and ultimately, a distraction.

Take your power back and focus on what is most important. Everyone is created different for a reason. Each of our individual paths are meant to take us on different journeys. Remember all that you’ve accomplished and that loving yourself is more important that finding the approval of others.

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Remind yourself of what you love about you, what you find beautiful about you. Find your authenticity. And remember, kick the compare and despair game to the curb. You will never be able to keep up with a false reality.


Visit and follow me on Instagram: @Ooolala_laa

A Healthier Outlook: Stop Comparing Yourself!  was originally published on

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