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Your mind can easily create more fear and scenarios than may even come into play. And while such thoughts and feelings can be valid, your intuition is usually a more accurate guide. Your heart will tell you what you feel often before your mind is ready to accept and embrace this truth. The mind will usually justify and negotiate, but the heart is clear. The heart doesn’t lie. Your heart will give you clear indicators that something does not feel right, something important is lacking, and you need to move on. The heart is a passive voice, but this is our emotional intuition and can place us on the right path.

When your heart is urging you to step out on faith and move away from someone, don’t ignore it. Avoid the temptation to drown out intuition with your mind, which will keep you mired in inaction.

2. Being with your partner is causing you more emotional pain and discontent than happiness.

If you are really unhappy in your relationship and have been for a long time, it is time to go. No one is responsible for your happiness, but if someone is taking away from your happiness, that is a real problem. No relationship is happy all of the time. That’s unrealistic. But if you are unhappy with someone the majority of the time you might want to re-evaluate. This is a clear indication it is time to decide if this relationship is the right one for you.

3. Your partner is not fully present in your life.

If he or she is not working to improve their presence in your life, even though you have made repeated efforts to give them a chance to improve, that’s another telling sign it’s time to consider moving on.

Every relationship has its ups and downs. However when the negatives outweigh the positives, it’s probably time to let go.


Elizabeth Overstreet, ‘The Relationship Investigator,’ is the author of “The Relationship Investigator’s Fast Guide to Successful Dating.” Follow her blog here

You Need To Cut It! Clear Signs It’s Time To End A Relationship  was originally published on

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