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We all do our best to raise our children in a safe environment.  We want our children to go to school without fear of being bullied.  As parents when there is a problem at school you go through the proper channels to rectify the problem.  But what happens when you have done everything the right way but your child is still being bullied.

A father went viral for explaining to a 7 year old girl who was bullying his daughter why him and his brothers to confronted the girl’s father, since the child was too young to catch a beatdown, her father had to bear the consequences of her actions.

The father, weary of his 7-year-old daughter enduring bullying, exhausted traditional avenues of addressing the issue. Despite attempting to resolve it through letters and discussions with both other parents and the school, he ultimately decided to take matters into his own hands.

The father now is being bullied in his DM by men saying they want to come and fight him for his actions.

What are your thoughts on this approach?  See videos below.

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital