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You’re stuffed with appetizers, a hearty main dish and saturated with alcohol. Now what? You probably have new health resolutions to finish or at least start. A great way of renewing the body is doing a little internal, post-holiday cleaning.

Food Overload

Proper digestion is one of the most essential components in living a long and healthy life. Your digestive function is made up of numerous organs all working together to break down, absorb, and process all of the nutrients in the food you eat. Without healthy digestion, you can become malnourished and toxins will build up in your body, leading to degenerative diseases and rapid aging down the road.

Indigestion is caused and made worse by overeating – especially rich, fatty, spicy, acidic foods and alcohol. The following remedies will get your digestion on the right track:


After a large meal, take a 10- to 20-minute stroll. Aside from the proven benefits to your heart, walking is the perfect gentle exercise for promoting digestion and encouraging cleansing of the lymphatic system. Walking helps food move along the digestive tract, improving digestion and absorption. For added benefits, walk while massaging your abdomen with your palms, in a circle around your belly button.

Herbal Tea

Relieve that feeling of fullness with herbal teas that target your digestion: Steep 1 teaspoon each of mint, rosemary, oregano, cilantro, sage and/or basil in a cup of hot water. Drink after each meal to soothe and prevent bloating. Peppermint, chamomile, and ginger tea are other good choices for settling the stomach. Also, look for Chinese herbal formulas for digestive support and cleansing.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is traditionally used to remedy digestive distress, support liver detoxification, normalize digestive juices and reduce intestinal bloating. Mix 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with 12 ounces of warm water, and drink in the morning on empty stomach. Feel free to add a little honey or maple syrup. Lemon water will also help.

Eat Right, Eat Light

These meals will help your body recover from overindulgence:

• Breakfast: Eat oat bran cereal, brown rice, or any other whole grain cereal (as long as it is unbleached and does not contain any added sugar or chemicals). Pair with unflavored soy milk.

• Lunch/Dinner: Eat any combination of beans, brown rice, oat bran, vegetables, organic chicken, turkey or soy-products.

• Super Cleanse Broth: Simmer any combination of the following ingredients for an hour: collards, Swiss chard, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, dandelion, Brussels sprouts, daikon radish, watercress, seaweed, shitake mushrooms, cilantro, garlic, leeks, fennel, anise, fresh ginger, and turmeric. Drink 8 ounces twice a day.

Detox Exercise

To aid your digestive system, try this body-mind exercise that was designed by ancient Chinese physicians to help stimulate

the liver and drain the excess toxins from the body:

• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart in front of a wall. Inhale while raising your right leg and exhale while placing your right foot on the ground in front of you between your body and the wall.

• Inhale while raising both arms from the sides until they come together over your head. Exhale while lowering your hands in front of your face. Visualize green light running down your face as your hands move down to your chest.

• Inhale as you move your hands to the right rib cage over your liver. Exhale as you move your arms down your right abdomen and right leg, as if pushing down and out with your hands. Visualize the green light moving the toxins out of the liver, down the liver meridian on the inside right leg, and out the big toe.

Detox 101: How To Do It The Right Way  was originally published on

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