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Alcohol Overload

The liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body and performs a wide variety of functions. Its most important tasks include the processing of nutrients, the production of bile to help in digestion of food and eliminating wastes, and cleansing the blood of toxins such as drugs, alcohol and other dangerous substances.

The liver has the ability to regenerate itself, but the effects of alcohol eventually wear down the liver. You already know that it’s best to keep your drinking to a minimum for the longevity of your liver and your health, but on that rare occasion when you overindulge, consider these remedies.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is an ancient Chinese remedy to minimize the symptoms of hangovers. Ginger has been found to soothe the digestive lining and balance gastric juices, making it a great remedy for overeating, too. This remedy is even more effective if you drink it in between alcoholic beverages.

Cut a 2-inch piece from fresh ginger root, and thinly slice. Bring three cups of water to boil in a pot. Add the sliced ginger and reduce heat to a simmer. Brew for about five minutes. Then strain out the ginger and sip the tea slowly. You may also add honey to taste.

Drink up!

Umm, water, that is. Though this is hardly a secret remedy for combating a hangover, it bears repeating. Alcohol dehydrates

your system, so drinking plenty of water will help combat some of your unpleasant hangover symptoms, rehydrate your body

and flush out toxins. Drink a few glasses of room temperature, filtered water after a night of holiday extravagance.

Lemon Water

First thing in the morning, drink one lemon squeezed in 12 ounces of warm filtered water. Lemon activates your liver to release toxins and helps to cleanse and move the roughage that stays behind in your intestines. Throughout the day, drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water to flush your system.

Detoxify With Tea

Chinese traditional medicine uses natural substances to help support the healthy functions of your liver, lymphatic system, bowels, urinary tract and skin. Try these herbs in teas to cleanse and prevent a buildup of toxins and wastes in your body:

• Chrysanthemum Flower. Traditionally used to cleanse the liver and neutralize toxins.

• Hawthorn Berry. Used to cleanse the blood of plaque and other toxins.

• Turmeric. Supports the detoxification process in the whole body by increasing bile production and releasing and eliminating toxins. Simply put a tablespoon of the spice in a pot and stir over medium heat for five minutes.

• Milk Thistle. Protects and restores the liver, due to its content of silymarin.

• Dandelion Root. Enhances the flow of bile, relieving liver congestion.

Detox 101: How To Do It The Right Way  was originally published on

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