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Source: Noel Vasquez / Getty

If Mariah Carey’s assistant though ‘We Belong Together’ was about how Mariah Carey felt about their working relationship, then she obviouly didn’t know that Mariah Carey had a ‘Vision of Love’ that didn’t include blackmail.

Now once again we have a case of loose lips sink ships.

Making a long story short, it’s being reported that Mariah Carey’s assistant was bragging to her friends about some video that she allegedly had and told them if Mariah ever tried to fire her, her new job would being selling the video.

I’m guessing that her assistant watched ‘Surviving R Kelly’ and thought she could make a come up on selling embarasing video tapes but MiMi isn’t having any of that and now Mariah Carey is filing a lawsuit.

Check out the video here

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