How far should a parent go to protect their child? Through the fire, to limit, to the wall, right? Well what if the person you are trying to protect your child from is the person you got pregnant by and with new growth inside you, so does the concern that the man you slept with […]

Whenever a relationship goes bad, there is a time that we all reflect on what happened.  Were there any signs that we missed?  Was our partner too clean?  Did they take too many showers? Sounds crazy, nah!? Well a young lady with a water proof cellie has been hiding in her mans steamy shower trying […]

There’s a thin line between love and hate but an even thinner line between trying to get with someone and being a stalker. Do you know the difference between being a go getter and being a stalker? Well this listener didn’t know what the thin line was so instead of even using a phone line […]

Getting over or forgiving any adultery situation can be difficult, but when you husband/wife cheats on you with a person that is of the same sex the head confusion can get a bit much.  Do they want you or do they really want what you want!? A man is embarrassed hurt and confused so he […]

There is a thin line between love, petty, mature thing to do, getting over it and hate.  And when it comes to divorce and adultery the biblical way to handle it in reality always becomes a blurred line.  So it only makes sense that when folks hit up  Sam Sylk, radio host of The Sam Sylk […]

BOY OH BOY, talk about a bad remix to ‘TODAY’s’ 90’s hit ‘Him or Me’!! A young lady hit up  Sam Sylk, radio host of The Sam Sylk Show on 93.1 WZAK, during his Reality Hour segment by dropping a letter in his Facebook Message box to give a strange request.  She was dating a married co-worker […]

Is there any good time to introduce yourself to your biological child years after you put them up for adoption without there being some awkward feelings? A loyal listner learned that her biological child’s parent passed away so she reached out to Sam Sylk, radio host of The Sam Sylk Show on 93.1 WZAK, during his […]

Believe it or not 9 times out of 10 when we are having relationship issues it is written all over your face.  At some point of time we told somebody I miss you so much, baby come back.  Then there are the times when we just flat out have to ask the one we love, “are you loney for […]

A young lady that was the product of an affair between her mother and a minister hits up  Sam Sylk, radio host of The Sam Sylk Show on 93.1 WZAK, during his Reality Hour segment by dropping a letter in his Facebook Messages to tell him that the ministers wife, her biological fathers wife asked her […]

This one had folks so divided and up in arms that the discussion went on for 2 days!! A man and a woman hooks up, woman get pregnant but the man is married and a minister at a church.  The minister takes care of his child financially however he wants no parts of a relationship […]

If you want to be sure to mess up a friendship, cosign for a car for your friend.  Or here’s one better, you cosign for your friend she misses a payment you make it then she gets back on track but neglects to give you the payment you made back. Sounds crazy, right?  Well a […]

We have all learned from People’s Court, Judge Judy and our very own Gary Himmel that an engagement ring is a promise of marriage and if the wedding doesn’t go down the ring goes back to the brother that got down on one knee.  But what happens when the fiance’ paid for half of the […]